Sunday Success Letter

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#14: 3 Tips to Avoid Stressful People!

#14: 3 Tips to Avoid Stressful People!

January 22, 20232 min read

There are a lot of pathways to feeling stressed. Busy schedules, demanding workloads, and people. All. The. People. 

The thing about stressful people is you can’t control them. People have free will and their own agendas, which makes it hard to assert yourself and get them to back off and give you the space you need. This can cause stress and various other issues. 

Since you can’t always influence stressful people into better behavior, you can take steps to avoid them altogether. Here are some tips for avoiding stressful people. 

Tip #1: Limit your contact. If you must endure a stressful person through family relations or a working relationship, limit the amount of contact you have. Create a schedule that reduces the time spent with stressful people and lets the schedule do the work. Communicate that you have a specific time frame that accommodates engagement and stick to it. Let the clock or the calendar take the blame for you not being able to spend more time together. Setting a clear time frame will help you focus on the time you must be with a stressful person and give you a deadline for when you can escape. 

Tip #2: Don’t automatically commit. Make it a habit to use the term “I will let you know” as your automatic response to a request for contact with a stressful person. Sometimes people are caught off guard and asked to commit to things they would rather not be a part of. Requiring time to think things over and let people know buys time so you can decide if you want or should spend time with a stressful person. This tactic can help you avoid stressful people and give you time to prioritize your schedule. Be sure to follow up and close the loop via email, DM, or phone messages. 

Tip #3: Remove yourself from stressful situations. If a situation becomes stressful, simply leave. Chances are if someone is stressful for you to be around, they are causing stress for others as well. Politely excuse yourself and leave. You may be setting an example that others will follow. Generally, you are not required to be in places that aren’t in your best interest. Don’t be afraid to remove yourself from stressful situations. 

Stressful people leave you feeling uptight, drained, and uncomfortable. They are simply no fun to be around. Avoiding people who cause you stress is the easiest way to diminish their impact on your mood. Limit your contact, watch what you commit to, and remove yourself from stressful situations to make things easier. 

Whenever you are ready for the next level I can help you in 2 different ways:

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I am a certified High Performance Coach from the High Performance Institute, USA. I have been working with the concept of High Performance for the past ten years, and I do one-on-one coaching as well as lectures and workshops for companies. My focus is to create High Performance without stress and help my clients create their own Life GPS so that they can feel engaged, energetic, present and happy every day.

Majbrit Bøttger

I am a certified High Performance Coach from the High Performance Institute, USA. I have been working with the concept of High Performance for the past ten years, and I do one-on-one coaching as well as lectures and workshops for companies. My focus is to create High Performance without stress and help my clients create their own Life GPS so that they can feel engaged, energetic, present and happy every day.

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