#61: 6 Leadership Habits All Entrepreneurs Need to Have!
Leadership might be one of the most underrated skills that an entrepreneur needs to succeed. When you think entrepreneur, what do you see in your mind? Chances are it's an energetic go-getter, a lone wolf making its way in the world. Maybe you don't see a strong leader inspiring their team onto greater heights of success. But real entrepreneurial leadership may be the thing that makes or breaks a business venture.
Here are six leadership habits you should cultivate to be a successful entrepreneur and a great leader.
1. Self-Knowledge
Strong, effective leadership is born of self-knowledge. A good leader and knows their strengths and weaknesses. They know their purpose and why they are doing what they're doing. They understand their business and their industry inside out.
2. Sharing your Vision
Owning your vision and having the ability to share that vision is key to inspiring your team and your stakeholders.
If you don't have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, how can you expect other people to follow you, to believe in your product?
3. Commitment to Your Team
Entrepreneurial leaders are committed to their team. They believe in their team members' skills and experience. They foster skills and want their people to succeed. After all, a business won't grow unless the employees are flourishing.
4. Active Listening
A good leader is one who listens. Respected leaders know they need to hear what's going on with employees, clients, board members, and stakeholders. They make it their business to ask questions, sit back and tune into conversations, to discern what's going on.
5. Prioritizing Self-Care
Good leaders also know the importance of self-care for themselves and their employees. Set a good example by not working 24/7. Take regular vacations, don't eat lunch at your desk, or have working lunches.
People who take care of themselves maintain high energy and motivation. They stay curious and are better prepared mentally and physically for busy and stressful times.
6. Embracing New Ideas
An essential element of being a successful entrepreneurial leader is to be open to new ideas. You need to be able to scent the wind and change course if necessary. Stay open to new ideas, be aware of what your opposition is up to, and of new developments in your field. Change is the new normal: model effective leadership to your team by being flexible and open to innovation.
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