#65: 7 Things People Who Believe in Themselves Do Differently!
What is it about people who believe in themselves? We see it in the way they carry themselves, in the way they converse with others, and in the things they accomplish. Self-belief in action is an amazing thing to see, and something everyone should aspire to.
At the same time, we very quickly become intimidated by this kind of change. It seems like it would be hard to change how you think and feel about yourself. We tend to stall out before we begin because it seems like only ‘special’ people are going to get ‘there.’
But is that true? A closer examination shows us otherwise. In fact, you’ll find people who believe in themselves have a lot of traits in common. Let’s look at some of those now.
They Know Where to Find Happiness
…and it’s not where you’ve been looking. People with self-belief know true happiness is something that comes from inside, not from how many toys you have or how many digits you have in your checking account.
They’re Really Not Interested in What Everyone Else is Doing
With no judgment and even less interest in comparing themselves to others, people who believe in themselves tend to focus more on what they’re doing. The competition simply doesn’t matter.
They Pick their Battles
When you lack self-belief, you tend to say ‘yes’ to everything. The problem? If you don’t value your time, no one else will either. Learning which things to say ‘yes’ to and more importantly, how to say ‘no,’ shows the world around them their time is worth fighting for.
They Know When to Speak Confidently
There’s no waffling or room for wishy-washy statements in the world of self-belief. Your ‘yes’ means ‘yes.’ You use a phrase like, “I know…” or “I can…” without second-guessing or wondering if they really can follow through with what they’re saying.
They Look for the Challenge
There’s nothing like a little healthy competition with yourself. Self-belief means you know the value of pushing to get to the next level. To a person with this kind of self-belief, life becomes almost like a game to move up by facing a challenge straight-on.
They Know How to Fail
The person with self-belief isn’t afraid to try, which sometimes means not accomplishing what they set out to do. When that happens, they take the lesson learned without making excuses or worrying about how it looks.
They Don’t Need the Spotlight
When you believe in yourself, you don’t need accolades and are quick to point out the accomplishments of others. Most people with strong self-belief are modest. They know their value; they don’t need someone else to underscore it for them.
The amazing thing about all of these traits is just how easy they are to develop in yourself. By taking the time to build habits of self-belief, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you become one of those fantastic people who really believe in themselves.
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