Sunday Success Letter

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#98: The Freedom of Saying “No”: How to Reclaim Your Time and Energy!

#98: How to Reclaim Your Time and Energy!

September 29, 20244 min read

How often do you say “yes” when you really want to say “no”?

Many of us struggle with this—whether it’s accepting an extra work task, attending an event we don’t have the energy for, or committing to something out of guilt or obligation. We worry about disappointing others, being seen as difficult, or missing out. But here’s the truth: saying “no” is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself.

Saying “no” isn’t about shutting down opportunities or pushing people away. It’s about creating space for what truly matters and protecting your energy. It’s about honoring your boundaries and being true to yourself. And most importantly, it’s about finding the freedom to live life on your terms.

Why Is Saying “No” So Hard?

For many of us, saying “no” feels uncomfortable. We’re raised to believe that being accommodating, agreeable, and helpful is the way to go. There’s a fear that saying “no” will make us seem selfish, unkind, or lazy. But the reality is, saying “yes” all the time can lead to overwhelm, burnout, and resentment.

When we say “yes” to things that don’t align with our values or goals, we sacrifice our own needs. And over time, constantly putting others first leaves us drained, disconnected, and feeling like we’ve lost control of our own lives.

The Power of “No”

“No” is a complete sentence. It doesn’t need justification or explanation. When you say “no” from a place of self-respect, you reclaim your power and your right to decide how you spend your time and energy. It allows you to prioritize what truly matters, whether it’s your health, your relationships, your passions, or simply your peace of mind.

By saying “no” more often, you’re actually saying “yes” to yourself. You’re giving yourself the freedom to focus on what lights you up, without the constant pressure of pleasing everyone around you.

How to Embrace the Freedom of Saying “No”

1. Check in with Yourself

Before automatically agreeing to something, take a moment to pause. Ask yourself: Does this align with my values and priorities? Do I have the time and energy for this right now? If the answer is no, give yourself permission to decline. Remember, you are not obligated to say yes to everything.

2. Let Go of Guilt

Saying “no” can trigger feelings of guilt, especially if you’re used to being a people-pleaser. But setting boundaries is not selfish—it’s necessary for your well-being. Remind yourself that taking care of your own needs first allows you to show up more fully and authentically in the areas of life that matter most.

3. Be Clear and Kind

When you say “no,” you don’t need to over-explain or justify your decision. A simple, direct response like, “Thank you for thinking of me, but I can’t commit to this right now,” is enough. Being firm yet kind allows you to honor your boundaries without feeling harsh or rude.

4. Practice Saying “No” to Small Things

If saying “no” feels difficult, start small. Begin by turning down minor requests that don’t feel essential—maybe it’s declining a social event when you’d rather rest or saying no to an extra task when your plate is already full. With practice, you’ll build the confidence to say “no” to bigger commitments when necessary.

5. Remember Your “Yes” Moments

Every time you say “no,” you’re creating space for a future “yes”—yes to things that align with your purpose, bring you joy, and move you closer to your goals. By setting boundaries and saying no to what drains you, you free up your time and energy to invest in what truly matters.

The Freedom of Living with Boundaries

Saying “no” isn’t about closing off your life. It’s about opening up space for what truly matters. It’s about protecting your time, energy, and emotional well-being. When you start saying “no” more often, you create a life that feels intentional, balanced, and aligned with your deepest values.

So, the next time you feel pressured to say “yes,” remember this: you have the freedom to say “no” without guilt. Your time is precious, and you deserve to spend it in ways that nourish and uplift you.

Struggling with setting boundaries or feeling overwhelmed by commitments? Let’s connect and explore how to embrace the power of “no” so you can reclaim your time and energy for what truly matters.

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I am a certified High Performance Coach from the High Performance Institute, USA. I have been working with the concept of High Performance for the past ten years, and I do one-on-one coaching as well as lectures and workshops for companies. My focus is to create High Performance without stress and help my clients create their own Life GPS so that they can feel engaged, energetic, present and happy every day.

Majbrit Bøttger

I am a certified High Performance Coach from the High Performance Institute, USA. I have been working with the concept of High Performance for the past ten years, and I do one-on-one coaching as well as lectures and workshops for companies. My focus is to create High Performance without stress and help my clients create their own Life GPS so that they can feel engaged, energetic, present and happy every day.

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