#41: Tasks That Promote Joy for Your Family!
Family time is a rare commodity in today’s world. There are so many things pulling family members in all directions that it can be hard to be in the same room at the same time. With all of the demands out there, joy can fall by the wayside and be overshadowed by stress, but families can avoid stress by engaging in tasks that promote joy.
Three tasks that promote joy:
Helping one another
Exploring personal interests
Creating traditions
Helping one another: The surest way to get out of your own funk is to do something for someone you love. Helping your family creates bonds that last a lifetime. Being courteous and caring uplifts others and creates a sense of camaraderie between family members.
Encourage your family to learn each other’s love language and take special steps to engage them in the way they love most. Reward your children when they are kind to one another for being selfless. Point out the ways they bring one another joy and model a joyful presence for them.
Exploring personal interests: Nothing feels more joyful than doing the things you love the most. Encourage your family to engage in activities that bring them joy. If your children are young, help them explore the options available to them and pay close attention to the things they resonate with.
Encourage your family to support one another in their interests. Ask questions and participate in an activity that your child loves with them. Attend their events, share in their expression of enthusiasm, and be their biggest cheerleader as they find the things that excite them most.
Creating traditions: Families that play together, stay together. Creating traditions unique to your family dynamic builds a sense of belonging and purpose. From a favorite meal or game night to an annual vacation, there are many ways to create meaningful traditions. Be intentional about your memory-making and encourage your whole family to contribute ideas about what would make the tradition meaningful for them.
Encourage your family to share what it is they love most about your traditions. Chances are, each member will appreciate and find joy in a unique way. Hearing the impact your traditions have on one another will help express the joy they feel and anchor the memories into their core.
Helping your family find and express their joy is a parenting win!
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