#39: 5 Small Ways To Increase Contentment When The Going Gets Tough!
There are always times in our lives when it is harder than usual to stay happy and content. We experience loss, we get stressed out, and life just throws us a curveball.
There are always times in our lives when it is harder than usual to stay happy and content. We experience loss, we get stressed out, and life just throws us a curveball.
We often use the terms happiness and contentment more or less interchangeably. While they both have to do with feeling happy, there is a difference between the two and there are reasons to strive for contentment vs. happiness in the big scheme of things.
Here’s a question for you. What have you done today to bring a smile to someone else’s face? It’s an important question, but sadly not something we work towards much these days.
We all want to live happier and more fulfilled lives. Today I want to share a simple little tool with you that can help with this endeavor.
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